Common Area

The Common Area is located at the intersection of Brookwood Drive and Spring Lake Terrace. At one point long ago it was considered for the location for a pool. When that didn’t happen, it was simply left as an open place for children to play and people to walk their dogs, among many other activities. It has been the site of the big Labor Day picnic for many years.

In the Spring of 2003, the CCHCA developed a proposal to enhance the area. This proposal was submitted to the City which eventually led to the construction of the pavilion, the addition of split rail fences on each side, landscaping, and other improvements.

Long-time resident Nasrin Lescure led the neighborhood effort to maintain and enhance the landscaping of the area. An Adopt-a-Spot program was instituted where residents could claim an area and maintain it as they see fit. in recent years, the Country Club Garden Club has been especially active in maintaining the area.

In recent years CCHCA has applied for grants from the City to help fund the maintenance of the Commons. See the grant proposal etc here.

Serving our neighborhood for over 60 years